Fun with visual metaphors: what is data?

Lately I've been getting interested in data. It's all around us, yet intangible. What is it? Ones and zeros don't help me much. So I turned to spilling out a bunch of possible visual metaphors that could help me think about it. Some are more related to the way data moves around, some how it can be used, and some just maybe get at what it is...

Shot with my android phone and the LapseIt app at Civic Hall. Enjoy!

Jessica Ramos for NY State Senate

Like a lot of people, the election of 2016 got me from a passing interest in politics to actual involvement. To that end I've supported some political gatherings with visual listening. 

While there's not much I can do on the national level, there's a lot happening locally where I can have more impact. I was delighted that one of my neighbors has decided to run for NY state senate. 

Jessica Ramos kicked off her first official campaign event last night in her mission to replace NY state senator Jose Peralta. Peralta is part of a group of state senators who were elected as Democrats but supported Republican leadership, thus preventing passage of the progressive legislation his constituents want. In this video Jackson Heights resident  Honor Mosher gives Jessica a fiery intro, and then Jessica introduces herself to this packed house of enthusiastic neighborhood voters. She talks about a few issues that are important to her: renter protections, getting funding owed to NY schools from the state, improving NYC's transit system and representing the progressive views of her neighborhood by replacing Jose Peralta. Ramos is a Colombian-American, Queens born and bred, energetic, mother of two, who worked as an aid to Mayor Diblasio. I will be supporting Jessica in the 2018 election. Her main challenge is name recognition---she wants to meet you! Feel free to reach out to her campaign if you want her to speak to any group you are part of---your building, community group, etc. She is @jessicaramos on Twitter if you want to get in touch.

Learning from Anne Lamott

How do you write a novel? One word at a time. Or one bird at a time, according to Anne Lamott, author of Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life.



I don't know about you, but I find it very  helpful to translate written words into pictures to understand it better. Sometimes those pictures are in my head,  like when I'm reading a novel, but when I'm trying to learn actual techniques, I like to draw out my understanding. So here are some key nuggets pulled from Lamott's book on mining your childhood and creating a writing routine tied to a specific workspace at a specific time of day.  I do not currently have a place where I sit down and pour (or trickle) out my creative thoughts but I think I'm gonna give this one a try. I'm going to try this cafe a block from my home with the backup of a cafe near my kid's school for days that I drop her off.

Hey there!

Hi folks! If you've ever visited, you will notice a different look, and you will wonder where all the old blog posts are. They still exist over here.

The version of the site was too hard to maintain without frequent bugs, so I moved over to a new website management platform and that's what you're reading this on right now. As before, the site will feature my thoughts and explorations of whatever interests me at the moment. And what I'm really intrigued by these days is creativity itself. What is it? How does it work? What creative processes are the best fit for me? And of course I'm interested in the same questions as they apply to you and everyone else. By creativity, I'm mostly talking about personal expression, not "Out of the box thinking to sell our new widget," although that's a neat topic too. One creative method I like involves "throwing spaghetti against the wall" to see what sticks. So I hope when you interact with the pictures, text, and video there's some good creative sustenance for you, with or without marinara sauce. So again, welcome, or welcome back. It's a pleasure to have you here.